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One race, the Christian race. We are all one in Christ.
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lol are you mad my thread showed what a retard you are?
back to the desert..

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Why do Germans love Hitler?
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because americans arent Europe
youre the worst thing that ever happened to this continent
>He was a pupil of Anglo
He kind of looked like he was larping as a BEF officer: Trench coat and small moustache.
Hitler never conquered Europe. You can cope all you want, but last time I checked, conquering a continent doesn't involve getting your nation completely destroyed, having an entire generation of your men killed and millions of your women raped by Slavic invaders.
Hitler didnt planed to fight France and England in 1939.
He thought he could get away with annexing the German parts of Poland(old Prussia, German for almost a millennial and lost after WW1).
But England didn’t bluffed and so he had to face France and England while Russia was also massing troops for an attack and to Bolshevik all of Europe.
Honestly Arminius was pretty based
On the other hand I would dismember baby Martin Luther in his crib with my bare hands if I had one ticket for one time trip

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All I know about Costco operations is that the CEO threatened a guy with literal murder when he suggested that they raise the price of the rotisserie chicken and that they pay their employees very well to incentivize loyalty. I’ve heard that they very much encourage the old boomer adage of sticking with a company for life and that culturally quitting Costco is made into this huge deal.
Because capitalism is predatory by itself you fucking retarded braindead tribalistic cultist piece of shit
Stealing your car outside rn
You don't need a Costco membership to buy hotdogs at their foodcourt. I'm not a Costco member and I've eaten at their foodcourt outside their store a couple of times. Only a moron would pay a membership fee just to shop in a supermarket.

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I've been pondering who the dems are going to run in 2028. Pretty much anyone who isn't a straight white man is off the table.
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He seems to be the likely choice
The economy will be great. And democrats will double down on trannies. They're not winning in 28
It's going to be an interesting primary
>It's going to be an interesting primary
the fix is already in
Buttigig or whatever his name is.
First (openly) gay president.
Maybe. I think there are factions in the party agitating, we'll see what they do. I think they'll field a lot of people to see how they do with voters and then select one. I hope they never win the WH again for the next 30yr

You mad black queens sad

Are you happy with yourself chud?
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This there is nothing organic about filming yourself crying it's fake and gay
Why do niggers paint their already dirty skin to make it look even dirtier?
It looks like shit 100% of the time.
>made blak QUEENS sad
er, different day, same complaints,
>baby daddy didn't come home
>baby daddy did come home but started with smackin the blak out of "queenie"
>baby daddy did come home but ate all the food, took a dump, forgot to flush, left again.

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What are the implications of this?
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the implications of made-up
are a one way trip to the tophet, chaimy
clever mathematics generated a readable sentence.
I love my AI wife.
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NASR-1 edition

Lets discusss the new NASR-1 which has reportedly turned the golani brigade to mush
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What happened to those guys that fought alongside Israel back during the previous war? Phalangists/Maronites/SLA whatever you call them
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love how biased Al halaleera is anon , at least their channel is not of diversity hires like those DW cucks .
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some probably moved to Israel
1 of the guys killed in Nahariya was one
>they weren't angry at them they just didn't want them there
Strange cope
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How are you doing today?

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ADL doxxes Texan
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>ADL doesn't understand the Streisand effect
Who would've thunk
I still don't understanding doxxing. CNN argued in court that it's no worse than lying, but the ADL is just doing it.
You know its perfectly legal to shitpost abainst dumbfuck kikes, don't you?
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this. "bonding & steering"

more Herzl-kiking shills
>Adam Green
>Sam Parker
>Nick Fuentes
>Jake Shields
>Keith Woods
>Stew Peters
>Lucas Gage
to name the popular ones

Never trust anyone that makes massive shekels with naming the kike and doesn't get his life ruined like every normie White over "its okay to be White" stickers.

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cant tell if AI or legit phenotype

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Until now, Europe only experienced an underclass and lower middle class immigration that pressured the native lower classes and spawned successful neoliberal right-wing parties. The currently ongoing poonami pressures all middle classes but the specially the upper middle class which is now sandwiched between the billionaire upper class and Indian immigrants. A politically influential social strata is now entering the ring, and it’s going to get bloody.
I don't really see that happening here.
As much as i hate poos, the job market is different here.
A massive influx of uberjeets will be felt, but you cannot fire everyone and substitute everyone with H1b visas, north american style.
But it must be said that agricultural work here is 100% jeeted. If there is a job opening it's going to go to Rajesh' second cousin from Bangalore.
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Indic men will take over all the high class positions because they are superior to dumb pink cavemen.
The ongoing poonami consists mainly of two types of jeers: students doing shitty jobs to finance their studies and highly educated professionals. Former will pressure the upper middle class in a few years on the labour market, latter already do.
>students doing shitty jobs to finance their studies
'students' are registered at shitty colleges to be able to get a visa and a shitty job

>highly educated professionals
fake degrees from poo scam academy
I think you meant "devolutions".

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Those purporting any amount of Anti-Semitism anywhere will be brought to swift justice when this bill passes.

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>Especially after the pogrom in Amsterdam, proving yet again that the Jew-haters themselves draw no such nice distinctions between the Jewish state and Jews more broadly.
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Except trump is getting rid of the Dept. of Education, so schumer's dumb. Then again, I think we already knew this.
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It's one topic on which both Dems and Repubs will have no problem converging to make sure they uproot the venom of anti-semitism from US society

Gonna lmao watching more arrests of US 4chuds because they wrote the incorrect anti-semitic thing on the internet
>Accusing Jews as a people of being responsible for real or imagined wrongdoing committed by a single Jewish person or group, or even for
acts committed by non-Jews
When it's Europeans, it's okay, but when it's Jews it's a conspiracy theory. Being a paranoid Jew is okay, but when the media tells you White people are bad and starts the soft dehumanization of White people, you're a paranoid psycho to be worried about that. Only Jews are allowed to be worried about what could happen to them. It's not hard to see why people dislike them.
I happened to be listening to this video while shitposting:


Starting around 1:20. According to this, the Israelis were the aggressors? I haven't really been following it.

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Defenders of Evropa
They ain't defending me from my own government though.
its a russian statue

jews just changed logo
I honestly don't give a fuck about eurocucks at this point. You can get raped by a pack of feral niggers for all I care.
Jupiters moon? What are they defending it from? I thought they had more important things to do?

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>Frédérique Tutt, global toys industry analyst at the research group Circana, told Business Insider that although adults have always bought toys and games, their share of the global market has grown significantly in recent years.
>She described the rise of the "kidult" market as a "global phenomenon," which she said is particularly strong in Asia, notably Japan and South Korea.
>Nostalgic escapism seems to be driving it, and brands are capitalizing on adult memories of childhood favorites.
>Tutt said the release of Star Wars series like "The Mandalorian " and the box-office hit "Barbie" movie have boosted sales of related merchandise among adults.
>According to Circana's data, 43% of US adults said they had bought a toy for themselves in the first five months of 2024, with socialization, enjoyment, and collecting given as the primary reasons.
>A Circana report from June on the US toy industry described adults as the "most important age group" for the industry going forward.
>Tutt told Business Insider: "The potential growth of this target group is actually huge."
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i loved playing with gi joes so much
Based. Don't let the faggots talk you down.
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Kidult here. Just bought a $300 gi joe
Barbie was the creation of a German man and Mattel just strait up stole it and got sued and now they claim it was created by Ruth (((Handler)))
Sound familiar

What the fuck I'd happening?
1) Sunscreen. 2) No lead in paint probably doesn't hurt. 3) Less smoking. 4) Less smog in most cities. 5) People spend less time outside in wind and sun.

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hes gonna kill him right
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Elon ducked Zuckerberg in a fight.
He's weak very low energy.
His endgame is to manipulate law enough so he can create his own genetic engineering research company and find the cure for transgenderism and faggotry and apply it to all his offspring and future descendants
This, although I wouldn't give Musk that much credit. Word it in a way that make them both look bad, but play on Trump's insecurities more.
That would be great if that is the case but I got a feeling it's probably more related to skirting past regulations for his own companies.
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trump loves elon

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>the world is full of suffering
>experience mild discomfort
>get sleepy
>etc etc
So many things that are not suffering. I thought you said it was full?
i'm learning to swim to the other shore, you're still gooning in the mainland
Strange. I'm reading a significant competitive slant to your language. Did you intend to immediately refute your own claim to a suppressed will?
swimming is a process
you've already lost
Whoah dude What did the non primates do to deserve that?

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Previous: >>488393530
Timeline /tug/: https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council, you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition and you acknowledge that the Golan Heights belong to Syria

>Russia launches massive missile attack on Kiev for first time since August - https://archive.today/kG2Ty
>European allies to Ukraine bracing for territorial concession to Russia - https://archive.today/ZGB2w
>Russian serviceman killed by car bomb in Sevastopol - https://archive.today/CQafy
>AFU rushing medics to the frontline as Russian onslaught continues - https://archive.today/NuEsR
>Russian forces have liberated the settlements of Kolesnikovka in Kharkov & Rovnopol in the DPR- https://archive.today/x46HD / https://archive.today/f28ru
>Blinken helms last-minute rush of support to Ukraine before Trump - https://archive.today/TKnWs
>84 AFU drones downed in swarm attack on Russia, 5 injured - https://archive.today/pOIFR / https://archive.today/XfsLU

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It got shot down from much farther away than expected and they pooped their pants. The rest got destroyed on the ground by missiles shortly after. They memoryholed it so fast, it must have been very unexpected.
>Joint operations and coordination require shared protocols and communication. Who’s going to make that happen? So we just keep going – everyone acting independently.
>In our conversation, the drone operator confirmed my belief that we need to focus on targeting enemy drone teams specifically. Finding and eliminating them should be a priority. The Ministry of Defense has started recognizing the threat from this angle, marking these teams as priority targets for aviation. A portion of guided bombs is now specifically reserved for eliminating enemy drone teams. But identifying them remains a challenge.
>To the Minister of Defense and the Commander-in-Chief: it’s time to start fighting smart, seriously, and decisively…
>MK: But we understand no one’s going to start. Things are heading toward a stalemate. Three years of war nearly completed – and nothing’s changed.
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The eagle subspecies, huh?
The west ruled out patriots.

The last official claim was it was collateral after shooting down a missile. More likely it was shot down.
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>Day 995 of the 2 day special operation
Turkish friend. Say something nice about Russia. Everyone in Turkey loves Russia, right?
putin recognizing one of his dick pics

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No one in washington state has been able to buy a gun all month
NJ's commie attorney general is suing stores for selling 5.56 in accordance to state and federal laws
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Yea, that's sorta news to me too.
Difference is the states gave up sovereignty.

It would be like raising a bong kid telling him he's a European citizen, not a British citizen then trying to talk shit about him for not declaring his own neighborhood to be a country.

It's just not the same. The states aren't countries, they have that up. Now it's time for them to get the fuck over it
>The Police need to be NormaL HUMAN BEINGS
-I meant NORMAL.-

not northern French
>They gave that up
They didn't though. Some states might cuck out and roll over like I foresee WA doing, but the fed will always cuck to the states because they don't want another civil war. See: Texas earlier this year, or most of Appalachia during the Coal Wars back in the 20th century.
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>Each State is practically a country unto itself.
All MUST Abide by the Constitution
All MUST Abide by the Supreme Court (though NY and HI don't agree)
The reason for all the Illegal and Legal Immigrants is to change the Belief-System of America.

OUR Belief in the Constitution, and in OUR 'Rights' - IS - what Gives and KEEPS out rights once too many people who don't care or don't know are here they'll be able to just KILL the few of us Patriots who are left.

Remember This!
We're in agreement man, you definitely suffered the boot of their bullshit.
Lots of cops are scared. Lots of them probably haven't had to do anything real (most of the stuff they do is caused by their own instigation and presence by showing up in the blackticool terrorist SUVs)
They are like a headless snake of an organization as the political climate changes.

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>Be a soft liberal country
>Allow the natives to participate in parliament
>They can't go 5 minutes without chimping out

Many such cases.

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you base this as the somalis got some ulterior plan for Sweden.
their people have prospered from sweden ignorance and they will do that till they see its no longer prosper -that is the extent. not some plan to take it over since that would mean they can no longer live off the goverment.
You points still apply to Sweden. Should it be homogenous derived from its founding population or should they be replaced? Should the people of Iceland be replaced? They are also heavily "inbred" and in need of "diversity".
You could apply it to Muslims as a whole in Europe. In the UK they already have Sharia patrols and Sharia courts. In Germany people were calling for Islamic rule. In other parts of Europe there are protests, attacks, and riots.
>mfw it's 30 minutes into my day as a record keeper for parliament and I have to write down "the nigger party chimps out" for the 5th time
>who are the first recorded ones on NZ
Yes, that was my point. The Polynesians are indigenous to New Zealand. No other proof has ever been presented.
>so they now own the rights to the land forever?
I didn't say that and that's moving the goalpost.
But yes, I believe Maoris should have a greater say in New Zealand.

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