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This board is for the discussion of news, world events, political issues, and other related topics.

Off-topic and /b/-tier threads will be deleted (and possibly earn you a ban, if you persist). Unless they are quality, well thought out, well written posts, the following are some examples of off-topic and/or /b/-tier threads:

>Red pill me on X. (with no extra content or input of your own)
>Are X white?
>Is X degeneracy?
>How come X girls love Y guys so much?
>If X is true, then how come Y? Checkmate Z.

The variety of threads allowed here are very flexible and we believe in freedom of speech, but we expect a high level of discourse befitting of the board. Attempts to disrupt the board will not be tolerated, nor will calls to disrupt other boards and sites.

If you want a place to discuss topics not related to news, world events, or politics, please try /bant/ - International/Random,

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Check the catalog before posting a new thread!

Reply to existing threads about a topic instead of starting a new one. New users who do not abide by this principle will be temporarily blocked from creating threads. Mods will delete obvious duplicate threads and spam without notice. Don't bitch because your twitter screencap thread got deleted; there are probably other threads about it. Go look!

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ibb: kGXS3pk
High def version for the phoneposters.

Taking correction edits and addition requests: Subject must either be in
1. Photo with Diddy
2. Video with Diddy
To be added.

To Be Added:
>Bow Wow

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maybe niggers aren't allowed into the epstein type world? so they started their own dei version.
>Yo other anons, stop bumping dogshit bait threads
this would be nice but i can't see it happening.
It's not like it's up to us, when jew / glowniggers want something bumped they get bots to do it. No amount of saging will change that.

Also bump
>It's not like it's up to us
you've never bumped a dogshit thread then? i know i have. i'm sorry about the times i have and wish i hadn't though. sometimes the seethe makes it unavoidable, the glowies are not as stupid as they look.

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Stupid Anti-Trans laws! It's definitely not the mental illness that kill them! It's the frickin' laws!
>looking for any reason to kill themselves
I could speak for hours on the sheer corruption of academic sciences. I dropped out of my education because of it. After seeing the corruption in math and physics, I no longer care about scientific (((consensus))). In fact, I no longer care about the human race. Every child that dies is one less slave of my enemy.

Neither science nor medicine exist to "validate identities" you retards are hellbent on eroding scientific method, integrity and turning science into nu-religion because that's the only way you'll get a veneer of legitimacy for your deranged ideas
>people commit suicide when someone opposes the one thing a person decides to make their entire identity revolve around in order to avoid true self acceptance.
shaky foundations lead to building collapses... transgender ideology is inherently flawed in the aspect that if someone makes their gender a load-bearing pillar of their identify, when they are met with the actual difficult challenge of accepting themselves and living with their own flaws they buckle under the stress.
Transgender ideology is just insecurity all the way down, hurt people looking for a reason to push the real problems deep down inside. Instead of breaking free from the actual gender roles of society and living however you want regardless of born gender, Trans people decide to double down and actively play into what makes those gender stereotypes oppressive to begin with.

I really want to say fuck trannies to stay edgy and part of board culture, but deep down I legitimately feel bad for them because they have prescribed themselves to a train of thought that usually ends in pain and sadness.
People gaslight themselves into thinking that they have been trans their entire life
>Oh wow I've felt insecure about myself my entire childhood because of the gender roles imprinted on me
>it SURELY couldn't be just that I've been permanently taught that my sex is a part of my identity, no siree!
>What's the use in learning to face my insecurities and break free from the gender roles placed on the two sexes when I can just pretend to be the sex I'm not!!!! Wow!
so many people are treating transgenderisin as a silver bullet to achieve self-actualization, when in reality it is just complete surrender to ones own insecurities.

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Poor lil stinky Hindu rape rats. After all these years of destroying tech companies by infesting them like parasites and leaching them to death, now their "karma" has finally come to pass. White tech companies have been burning through billions with Hindu rapejeets scamming them and doing nothing or being failures. They had enough, they are outsourcing to BASED east asians. Look at them crying about finally getting jeeted after all of these years of boasting about being worthless inbred parasites.
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That's the number of rapes he's done.
Pakis are the exact same as poos you fucking paki lying nigger.
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>makes zero sense
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>Viets, Pakis, Chinese, South Americans, Eastern Europeans, literally anyone is better than the Hindu rape rats.

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>Quick Rundown
Helene, currently forecast to be ~CAT 3/4 at landfall, has pushed all dry air out of her eye and has begun her RI phase. Despite her late organization, she is already busting out surface winds of 120MPH with a lot of hot gulf water between her and landfall. Florida bend surge could reach as high as 20 ft. Georgia trees are going to be in for a rough time with 60 - 80 mph gusts in various areas of the state, couple that with the constant rain since yesterday, Kino all around.

>Sats and visuals

>Info and Data


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Lol no this is peak season now. Hurricane Ian which obliterated SWFL happened exactly 2 years ago.
no sticky please
Some streamers already died. RIP
we're in an off season that was quite weak, most of the storms that would've been named were long rain and wind events instead of proper tropical storms/hurricanes. If anything this is a november-december hurricane by usual standards.
Pretty excited for the rain storms I'll be getting in my area come Friday and Saturday, but obviously very worried for those in Dixie that are gonna get pounded.

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waiting for hesbalah's sophisticated missile systems to strike israel...
Lmao, air strikes and a ground invasion have not stopped HAMAS. Why should they work on the larger more extensive Hezzbollah? Further with what army? Your army is currently in Gaza. Are you going to retreat from Gaza with your tail between you legs allowing HAMAS to score a massive victory? Or are you going to throw random untrained mobiks at Hezzbollahs professional fighters?

Israel bit off more than it could chew and Netanyahu cannot back down or he ends up in prison for the rest of his life. Fun to see when he gets couped
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From Yemen to Broken Hymen
"Trying to destroy Israel" is redundant. Look at any street view image of Israel. It's a shit hole. A cursed place.

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ITT we theorize what the world will be like when Jesus Christ returns. Will it be a post scarcity world? How will that effect the prices of product and services? Will we eat only kosher foods? Will we all honor and rest on Shabbat? Will there be any lotteries(no gambling?) in the Christ world? Will the Christ world be exclusively White? Will there be some non-Whites in the Christ world? Will it actually be full of multiracial Christians who are all seen as equals under Jesus Christ? Will Jesus Christ institute White Supremacy? Will Jesus be rich? Will he be a poor king?(lol?) Will Jesus own a Lamborghini? Will the Lamborghini company even still exist? What companies will exist? Discuss.
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2033 seems more likely.
Since Jesus was crucified at age 33 and we're coming up to the 2000 year anniversary of His crucifixion AND things are accelerating extremely fast (faster than ever before in human history) my gut tells me 2033
>i won't concern myself with my life
Ok then you do you
do better and be less retarded. you still haven't proven how the jew jesus is not a jew, and here is a tip, you can't unjew his blood.
>satan back to decieve the nations
>yea bro everything he said was true but it's my time now
What exactly do you think this deception entails you scofield indoctrinated moron? Go get a bible without all the stupid man notes in the column so you can unfuck your retardation.
There ain't much to deceive the nations on
>what? what kingdom? Yea that never happend!
such a stretch huh? that the father of lies would lie about the millennial kingdom?
Gfy dweeb.
Looking for evidence of this when JC said what he would do in PLAIN ENGLISH and it didn't involve some 2000 year wait.
>before some standing here taste death
in fact just KYS already its that obvious and you're that evil or dumb.
Treasuring up wrath against the day of wrath.
But that's just what you fools do.
>is born of jews
>gets rejected by jews
>becomes king of mankind
Seriously dude. Why do you insist he is bound by human flesh?

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The drama’s heating up in Hollywood! Following the wild Diddy-Gate revelations, celebs like Usher, Megan Fox, and a host of others are allegedly hitting the delete button on their social media accounts, scrubbing thousands of old posts. It seems that when scandal strikes, even the stars feel the need to tidy up their digital footprints.

The frenzy kicked off after some serious accusations landed in Diddy’s lap, prompting A-listers to rethink their past interactions. Is it just a precaution or something more? Whatever the reason, the celebrity cleanup crew’s on high alert, making this an intriguing moment in Tinseltown. Grab your popcorn—things are about to get interesting!

Whats going on?
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Too bad she bogged herself. Why do all women go to plastic surgeon and tell them they want to look like a walking Bratz doll
the concept of a female paedophile is so weird to me
even the vampire doesnt have trailer park tattoos. also she dresses like megan markle trying to dress like the queen what even is that
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The Sean Combs case is just a peek into how the entertainment industry works. Sean Combs learned the job from Andre Harrell who in turn learned from Clive Davis and what he learned was how to control your talent.

The truth is that the world is full of talent, but the spotlight is only so big. Much of that talent is mediocre talent and the philosophy behind how Diddy achieved his success was to find that mediocre talent, make them famous by auto tuning them, writing the music for them, getting them to the right venues to promote them and he made sure that they knew that their success came from his agency and that they did not have the talent on their own to move over to another agency.

All the talent in the world would not fit in that spotlight, so those controlling the spotlight can choose who gets into it.

More of Diddy's philosophy, as ultimately learned from Clive Davis, was that if he could get a man to suck his dick, he could get that man to do anything. And those willing to suck a dick to get in the spotlight are the ones willing to do anything to stay there. Everything else that man is asked to do is trivial in comparison.

So frens, to get to the point of this thread, when you hear the opinion of a celebrity, think about what that celebrity had to do to get in that spotlight and what they would do to stay in that spotlight. Asking them to publicly support a Presidential candidate like Kamala, well that's a very small ask when compared to what they had to do to get to where they currently are and a very small price to pay to stay there.

Damn I didn't see Lebron James in there.
I was really hoping there was dirt on lebron.

Why the fuck doesn’t this absolute queerbag own a god damn suit?

You are meeting the president of the United fucking States. In the oval office. Show some respect you asswipe.

This guy is a fucking dickhead. He has to wear that stupid fucking green jacket and khaki pants so we can all think he’s some hardened soldier.

NEWSFLASH ZELESNKY we arent fucking falling for it.
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You can’t see it with the crop, but the guy was wearing flip-flops. Very disrespectful.
He is a fucking parasite, I hope the FSB assassinate the shit out of him once this fucking war is over. This guy wants to start WW3 over his shithole fucking country which is better off under Russian rule anyway.

If he is commander in time of war, there should be a dignified dress uniform. That’s standard practice.
Its actually laughable that he still dons the boots and tshirt at these events, how can anyone take this midget seriously?
trump is the only guy that know how to wear suits than all the politicians

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Has she lost it?
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Cats rank above femoids on the people scale so it may be true assuming you think women are people.
imagine Maram mass genociding jews with gas chambers and ovens
i'm so hard.
Ofc imagine how mind broken is the average Hezbollah, Assad, Iran shiite supporter after seeing how Israel basically raped them non stop the last few weeks with no response whatsoever
She has been dominanted and mind broken
That's right. Haitian NIGGERS blown the fuck out.
Cats are not people but they're cool and we should stop all the shitskin races who themselves are less valuable than cats from killing and eating them. Mimi is an honorary white for her position on this.

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Hey guys! Quick question for all the israeli shill bots

Where are the bones of treblinka-2?
>It takes 1,000-1,400F to cremate bones, into ash
>Burn pits burn at around 600F
>Operation 1005, didn't unbury then transport to crematoriums/bone crushers to the tune of 185,400,000 bones (209x900,00)
>there as seemingly been only 1 documented execration in 2022 where it was some fat chick digging at 5x5x1feet batch finding nothing

Ask anyone about treblinka-2 and watch the myth leave their brain

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>nothing happens
Do you guys feel embarrassed?
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get a cancer screening anon. I'm serious.
Don't know, but he had a major hand and the vax and has previously committed bioterrorism.
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>two more weeks...

you are the laughing stock of society..

Bullshit. Prove it.

His foundation caused two polio outbreaks around 2010 or so. They used oral polio vaccines which can revert into wild types and kill the vaccinated.

WHO admitted that two of the main 4 wild strains of polio came from those two outbreaks.

who was in the wrong here /pol/? The Venezuelan delivering ubereats from this man’s restaurant or the business owner for freaking out like this

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And they are a bunch rapists
liberals are evil
>This is now being brigaded by trolls.
What did Reddit boy mean by this?
>nigger and spic race war soon
Man today is a good day
They know that everyone not terminally online hates illegal no speaks English spics.

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If you don't think the Sun is divine then you are a soulless bugman and you are NGMI
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kill yourself christkike
a.k.a. sun worship by proxy (amaterasu)
The Sun is the true creator of our lives and should be revered for its raw brutal power that has the power to give life and take life.
The Spirit of the Sun is God!
It's called Gravity! You have heard of it, yes?

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Was letting women vote a mistake?
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Did this whore really make 27M $$?
how is this in any way related to women voting?
its literally mens fault
>Was letting women vote a mistake?
You can tell she was built for BBC.
Do you think letting all the other livestock vote would be a good idea?
Black boys in America could vote in 1870. White women had to wait until 1920. This will never not be funny.

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she has amazing hair and just needs a tiny bit of makeup to look amazing.
I am netanyahu's greatest weapon I'm a native American, German, Scandinavian, Irish, French, Italian, mutt. I serve israel I am the strongest golem goy to ever exist and ever will exist no race or species in the cosmos can defeat me I am a planet killer.
she cute

ooha booga tier downgrade
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The funniest part is that this kid mogs the shit out of all you basement dwelling fat fuck incels now
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Why do Muslims do pilgrimage to and worship a black Anus?
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2000 muslims is nothing. Even 2 million would he nothing.
Is she in the room with you when you pray?
Then you are praying to her.
>amerimutt iq at full display
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Imagine scraping some off and taking a bong hit of it.
pagan retard

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Give me your most unpopular opinion, /pol/
Unpopular by /pol/ standards, that is, not unpopular to normies.
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Ernst Rohm was completely right about wanting to purge the Reichswehr of all the WW1 mindsetted generals who repeatedly plotted to kill Hitler and completely compromise Germany's intelligence & weapons procurement apparatuses, even if he was a flaming fag who was too soft on ex-communists and too keen on cannibalizing them into the NSDAP without sufficient vetting. The French-funded SA putsch is nebulous enough that it really could've been cooked up by Himmler and Goring.

The Frontbann-SA merger should've gone through as a bone thrown to Rohm to keep him from heading for Bolivia or rebelling against Hitlers' legal electoral pivot, which broke a Hitler/Ludendorff/Rohm triumvirate that likely could've effectively subordinated and devoured the Reichswehr into the SA without damaging the professional core of the former organization while successfully baiting the religious coup-plotters into making a Valkyrie scale mistake & exposing themselves in 1935 instead of 1945, well before they can implicate nearly as many aware but unparticipating officers in the fashion of Rommel, and clearing the way for all wings of the Wehrmacht to be years ahead of schedule in doctrine and armament.
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I think Christianity's obsession with proselytization is one of the most toxic forces against eugenics & racial separation, which will ultimately will lead to it's own demise and thus serve no purpose. All the while allowing any other more violent religion (and or race) to take it's place. Basically the Achilles' heel of white people.
I like cute girls.
Guess who were bring them in?
Pro choice.
Ban money in favor of exchange and gold.
Aliens exist.
Nazism is a controlled opposition.


I'm racist
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Seriosly theres so much beatifull games that i, being poor kid, missed entirely
Chances are graphics are actualy better than rushed shit they make
>make game about nigger killing local peasants and shit right at the height of "stop asian height"
>try to change japanese history based on some faggot western historian
>completely discredit the historian in the process
>steal the flag of some historical reenactment group and refuse to reprint your artbooks with the stolen flag in them
>confuse japanese history with chinese / korean history
>hire sweet baby inc yaoi shota fetishist to try and pretend that japan secretly loves this game
>make figurine based on historic nagasaki atomic bomb monument

DEI at full display. The game is so offensive that it's actually impressive how they fucked it up. It just show that diversity actually means culture from an american afrocentric viewpoint.
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ubisoft stocks have been in freefall and they pushed the release date for Assassins Creed: Ooga Booga in the Ricefields back to hope that the backlash dies down.
hopefully their stocks 0 out before they even get to that new release date lmao
I call them Sour Baby Diarrhea.
I like the chick on the left

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