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This board is for the discussion of news, world events, political issues, and other related topics.

Off-topic and /b/-tier threads will be deleted (and possibly earn you a ban, if you persist). Unless they are quality, well thought out, well written posts, the following are some examples of off-topic and/or /b/-tier threads:

>Red pill me on X. (with no extra content or input of your own)
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The variety of threads allowed here are very flexible and we believe in freedom of speech, but we expect a high level of discourse befitting of the board. Attempts to disrupt the board will not be tolerated, nor will calls to disrupt other boards and sites.

If you want a place to discuss topics not related to news, world events, or politics, please try /bant/ - International/Random,
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Check the catalog before posting a new thread!

Reply to existing threads about a topic instead of starting a new one. New users who do not abide by this principle will be temporarily blocked from creating threads. Mods will delete obvious duplicate threads and spam without notice. Don't bitch because your twitter screencap thread got deleted; there are probably other threads about it. Go look!

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>manic pixie congresswoman from Washington state
>not as left wing as other Democrats, wants to get rid of regulation: https://x.com/DemocraticWins/status/1855400696524279848
>most attractive politician by FAR

I noticed her a few weeks ago, went down the online rabbit hole, and have come out totally depressed at the fact that the most waifuable woman in politics is already married.
>manic pixie
when? 30 years ago?
that's a man
Looks MtF
Very 2022

Since now


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>nbc news
Kino if true
kek, anyone got the link to that thread?
All of me
out on my own, moving in shadows?

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Previous: >>489245932
Timeline /tug/: https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>Putin outlines Moscow’s response to Ukraine escalation - https://archive.today/Ux3tk
>Russia has fired its new ‘Oreshnik’ hypersonic ballistic missile - https://archive.today/gunwS
>Biden allows Ukraine to use ATACMS within Kursk region - https://archive.today/90wAD / https://archive.today/9LF0k
>Ukraine to face power cuts after massive air strike on power grid - https://archive.today/QnCzq / https://archive.today/qxSoK
>Russian forces organizing logistics, ammo delivery in Kupyansk - https://archive.today/nUnwr
>Russian forces storming Kupyansk outskirts - https://archive.today/ssNos / https://archive.today/Pfl1o
>Zelensky unhappy over Putin-Scholz call - https://archive.today/nxKUc / https://archive.today/0zuFu

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They believe a farmer shot down a fighter jet with a double barrel shotgun.
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>Avenger already forgotten
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Imagine how this AFU soldier felt
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time for you to make a move, chug
Nigga please, a granny shot down a drone with a jar of pickles.

On the japanese TV:

>there are many jews at the top of banks and large corporations
>mentions of Mark Zuckerberg and Larry Page
>6 of the top 10 richest people are jewish
>a lot of jews are active in the fields of politics and economics
>lobbying groups influencing Congress - this is what really moves America
>Blinken is jewish

Are they even more based than previously thought?
Based Japs.

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There is no race on earth more gay and cringe than Maoris
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yo big brain i was thinking of forcing this among my own people but from the ground up.
I had a Maori woman carry me home from the pub and rape me.
Watch "the nephilim looked like clowns" to understand why these psychos have all the tattoos and make weird deranged faces.
Basically they are re-enacting acts of cannibalism
Albanians are what happens when a Jewish bosniak rapes a greek woman
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Oh look now she’s generic whore number 54,738,824
Somehow better than being a kike but this is pathetic mimicking
the average nose job costs $5k with $15k being the absolute upper end ...
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Jew is a race. Jews are not white.
The average Ashkenazi only has 40% Semitic heritage. On average they have slightly more genetic affinity with Europeans than Semites. They should abandon Judaism, integrate, and marry out.

I will settle in the US within a few months, and I have decided to do so in New England. It is the most civilized and prosperous part of the global empire that is the US. Am I right, fellow Americans?
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>I thought Americans were more chill
We are, just not New England fags.
> PA had a few good spots in my experience and New York is New York
S Central PA is great. Just avoid center city Harrisburg or York
It’s like walking into a spaghetti western when I have to go through central falls.
t. Pawtucket Enjoyer
There are many parts of Florida and the Southwest that are completely White.
Southerners are fake polite and kind. They’ll say niceties to your face and curse you behind your back. Rust Belters are the opposite. If we have a problem with you, we’ll say it to your face but we won’t bad mouth you behind closed doors. Well, male Rust Belters won’t anyway.

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>thinking about running…
Yeah they will pull the footage of him yelling at the proudboys meetup outside in DC a few weeks before Jan 6th screaming about how the politicians will suffer their wrath if they certify. This fucking retard has no future outside of grifting. It’s the christcuck delusion that makes these people believe they are somehow chosen or gifted.

Will it work though?

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I think you grossly overestimate the percentage of people that will not fuck off if nobody is there to manage them. I work in a physical location and I do a job that isolates me from the rest of the employees. Out of all of the employees that work that station me and one other will actually do the work required; the rest fuck off because they are not being closely supervised. That's about 20% of the work force there. The other 80% are just children with adult privileges.
If you are a highly skilled person that can work remotely and are self managing, your services should be offered on a contract basis. Be your own man. Because the rest of the herd has to be wrangled.
But Elon we want the government to be incompetent
80% reduction in headcount and double salaries for (competent) new hires. This is what I would do anyway
If I had to manage people my mission would always be to get rid of the one or two people that are always an asshole, on purpose, ASAP. There's always one, and they are a detriment to any company that hires them. The generally fuck with people by the rules, which is what D&D would call Lawful Evil, which is a convenient term. No lawful evil would be allowed at my company. Just one of those assholes can lower the productivity of 20-30 employees.
Let THAT sink in, Elon.
The entire USG civil service workforce is lawful evil though. The entire game (get a budget, claim you can't get the mission done with your budget budget, expand your budget, ... ad infinitum) means good people are weeded out by a bureaucracy that incentivizes evil. This can't be fixed. It's evil by nature.

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Why is this state such a shithole? Wasn't this considered rugged cowboy country less than 50 years ago?
What happened?
Rich ski towns and the legalization of Pot. It brought a huge amount of gay stoners
The Front Range was always a shithole. The West Slope and Eastern Plains are still rugged cowboy country. As for how it got worse: Californians moved in, weed became legal, and then every burnout faggot retard in the country moved here in droves and fucked it up worse.

t. Four Corners anon
shitskins. it's always shitskins
Denver imported more illegals per capita than any other city.
Colorado has been overwhelmingly white since the 1860s, you double nigger

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This leaflet has been distributed on the web by the French since the conflict

He makes me laugh
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>screams in daddy issues
albanians with Belgian/German/Swiss flags can go kill themselves, since they won't get to live for long anyways
>3-year old memes
Still highly relevant
All countries should collectively nuke Ukraine; these people would rather die just to be in a military alliance and not accept neutrality.

Has the time limit for refunds expired yet?

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who are you appealing to with this wild and insane conspiracy theory you skitzophrenic
nobody forced her to get the vax!
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>autoimmune disorder
>isn't a vaccine issue

>a rare autoimmune disorder
you know, those random rare autoimmune disorders
>giving the wrong kind of treatment
do you have any source for this or is this your conspiracy theory ?

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Nukes are not real.
It is all a big hoax just like the Holocaust.
Stop living in fear.
All of these cities were rebuilt with help from outside. After the nuke help won't come.

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many of you may be wondering why this figure in particular is being shilled so inorganically on this board and other social media platforms. As it is obvious to everyone at this point Nick Fuentes is a gay-op, but why would the jews promote a person that espouses far right and antisemetic views? The purpose of nick fuentes is to well-poison legitimate counter semetic rhetoric and anti trump critique with his association, and lump all trump and jew critical rhetoric under his banner. You dont want to be like nick right? If you critique trump in the “wrong” way (noticing that he was allowed to win for the sake of saving Israel, noticing that he just another instrument of jewish power) you must be one of those dysgenic incel groypers.....

within the past 4 months Nick has started to repeat verbatim talking points and rhetorical frameworks the “wignats” (Fash the Nation, Mike Enoch, Eric Striker) have been developing now for almost 6 years. Talking points and rhetorical frameworks that at one point he explicitly disavowed, he is now pretending like he was the first person to invent, and gives no credit whatsoever to the individuals he steals a majority of his takes from. Concepts like Finkelthink and systemic jewish critique based on works by Kevin MacDonald, are too dangerous to reach the general public undiluted. Nick serves as a buffer between the center right and the far right, as without him there to distort and sully these takes, there would be nothing stopping the center right from going all the way to the far right. The purpose of nick fuentes is to pull the far right into the center by monopolizing effective far right rhetoric under his cult of personality, and making himself the mascot of these takes to prevent the socially conscious public from associating with them. Nick uses far right rhetoric as the bait, to give the impression he is much further to the right than he is, when in actuality his positions are center right and center left.
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Except Nick is growing in popularity, not shrinking. Must have you pretty worried, huh?
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>this what groypers look like irl
Hate to be rude but it’s precisely why it’ll go nowhere
Nick loves Jesus. hates Jews, and tells young men to be successful, or if theyre incapable of that, to at least to act fucking normal and carry themselves with some dignity. To be engaged, to be knowledgeable, etc.

You can't get me to not like him, sorry. Still not giving the little fag any money, though.
It has me worried that criticism of the Jews will be associated with the gay Mexican pedophile guy who got caught soliciting dick pics from his minor fans.

>russian nukes don't wo-

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it's just early new year
celebrating 2025 with a nuclear holocaust?
think of it like "big rockets"
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You've gotta test the delivery system before the actual nuclear test. Russia just decided to play it extra safe by doing the test outside of their country

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>935 public schools in connecticut
=$12,299.47 per plastic fan
Lol. I love the video of that faggot wearing a mask and saying his name over and over to promote himself. I glad someone stole the idea that he stole.
Coincidentally I was binge watching the most efficient diy box fan hepa filters on u-nose-whotube last night. Interesting to have this thread pop up this morning. I have built them before but never used the 4 or 5 filter box method. I used a cheap lower rated filter as a pre-filter for the more expensive hepa filter but 2 filters multiplied by 4 or 5 is no longer cheap. A reusable filter media would be ideal although I doubt the filtration would be as effective. Does anyone know if it would be effective to vacuum the filters out to extend their life?
>3 can burn out the motor
How so? The larger the surface are the more efficient the fan can pull air, unless you mean 3 stacked on top of each other.
thats a nice clock shandramed bring it to the white house

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>Hungary’s Orbán vows to disregard international arrest warrant for Netanyahu

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To the last human being*
Right wingers are Jew slaves.
Leftists are snti-semites.

Never forget this as Trump passes anti-anti-semitism laws and punishes the world being anti-semitic.
This, the other side became cringe and this is a contrarian board.
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How can Hungary always be so fucking BASED!
Based fuck the icc but also fuck Netanyahu

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>21% interest rate
>inflation at 8%
>war economy deficit spending
>must also raise personal and corporate income taxes to further fund the war machine
>must further devalue their currency

They will be fine, right?….right?
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funny thing, too, is that america paid off 80% of german WW1 reparations, for free. Thats why at certain point it stopped being an issue and germans stopped talking about it.
america has massive amounts of corpos, manufacuting, science and development, etc. you are grasping at nothing here
>This has the effect of strengthening the rouble by attracting foreign investment from “friendly” countries such as China and India,

Ivan, this is not how it works. Often, foreign investments rely on taking credit from the local banks. A 20% interest rate will make them GTFO.
> It also encourages people to save, trimming consumer spending.
This in itself should be a catastrophic sign. Your war machine is largely funded by taxes. People spending less => less VAT collection AND less economic activity => less money in circulation => income of businesses gets reduced => блять!

>>>Yet the government has almost entirely shielded the real economy from tighter monetary policy.
This is just cope unless they have exempted the petroleum industry from any of this, and 70% of Russians work in this industry.
lol first strike target talking shit
The mountain monkey is at it again

I like British culture, but I find it hilarious how ugly British people are. Like, they have no redeemable qualities in regards to their looks. They are all fat, short, and have asymmetric blobby faces. Lingering effects from the MAD COW DISEASE?
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this isn't politics this is more like a kike D&C/slide thread, kys OP
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>I like Israeli culture, but I find it hilarious how ugly Israeli people are. Like, they have no redeemable qualities in regards to their looks. They are all fat, short, and have asymmetric blobby faces. Lingering effects from being raped from 7 years old?

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